The government have launched a new website aimed at parents who may be able to claim for support with childcare costs. The web address is How Tax-Free Childcare works Working parents will be able to apply, through the childcare service, to open an online…
Author: Dev15
Follow companies for free
If you want to keep an eye on documents filed with Companies House for a particular company, you can register for a new service that will do just that at Companies House. The new service is called “Follow” and it allows you to receive email…
Reduction in the dividend allowance
Unless there are further political objections, one of the few remaining revenue raising changes in the recent spring budget was the reduction in the £5,000 dividend allowance from April 2018. From this date the allowance will drop to £2,000. This measure will increase the tax…
Making Tax Digital - a step closer
Another matter that received some clarification last week was the government’s move to implement MTD for the self-employed from April 2018. When the scope of MTD was first published it was proposed that the self-employed (including unincorporated property businesses) would need to commence the quarterly…